Conservation Projects in Lethbridge River Valley
by Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre SocietyThe Lethbridge river valley is home to hundreds of species of birds, animals and flowering plants. Each year garbage and debris gets caught in the coulees turning these unique, naturally formed features into unsightly spots that have the potential to injure the wildlife species that call them home. Invasive species also pose a threat to the river valley’s biodiversity with the potential to negatively impact local plant communities.
This conservation project from the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre (HSNC) will demonstrate positive action in protecting Lethbridge’s natural landscape through education and by focusing volunteer efforts on improving the local ecosystem. HSNC will organize four different volunteer campaigns in the river valley that will remove garbage from the river valley and shorelines, remove invasive species and raise awareness of the need to clean up after pets in natural areas. Overall, HSNC expects to engage over 500 volunteers with these opportunities that educate, empower, and instill a sense of community pride.