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Parkland Food Bank Hamper Program


Do to a dramatic increase in client use in the past 4 years, Parkland Food Bank is facing a warehouse space crisis. To maintain our current hamper program takes 21 pallets of dry goods every month. Currently our warehouse facility can store up to 40 pallets of food, meaning we can barely store two months of food in our facility at peak capacity.

To see us through this crisis, we ask that you help by considering a financial donation instead of purchasing food. This helps by:

Purchasing exactly what we need, when we need it;
Saves precious warehouse space and volunteer manpower as all donated food needs to be inspected and sorted;
Helps us leverage bulk purchasing, stretching your donor dollar farther;
Gives you a tax receipt to save you money at the end of the year!
With an $85 donation, we can provide a monthly food hamper for a household (we average 650 of those hampers every month or $55250.00 worth of dry goods). Through other partnerships, we are able to add meat, milk and eggs to that monthly food hamper as well.

We thank you very much for your ongoing support as we look to be a community where no one goes hungry!

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