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Our mission as the Baptist General Conference of Canada shall be to love, worship and serve God; to fulfill the Great Commission through evangelism, discipleship, church planting in Canada and abroad; to relieve human need, and to provide the resources to achieve this mission. Vision: "Building a network of churches that make disciples who live and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities, Canada, and the Nations."

About Our Charity

We are people who are in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and are seeking to do His will by encouraging and caring for each other as members of His family. We are 13,000 people of all ages and walks of life and are part of one of the 100 local churches across Canada. We are seeking to live out our love relationship to Christ, by sharing His love in spoken word and in caring works--across the street and around the world.

Spending of funds is confined ... Lire la suite

Projets de cette cause

Campbell, Scott

Canadian Baptist Seminary

Central Asia - M&C

Clear & Simple Media/Tom & Lee Castor

Eastern Canada Expansion

Executive Minister

Global Ministries

Hoffmann, Randy & Margo

Kobayashi, Mas

M., Adel & Layla

Main Duarte, Connie

Masoud B.

Myrholm, Brian & Jessica

Philippine Birthing Clinic

Philippines/SE Asia

Project J. Black - Converge

Russell, Laura

Salkeld, Laird & Valerie

SE Asia - D & M

Undesignated Relief Funds

Womens Ministries

Z., Ahmad & Dina

Church Planting

Christmas Offering

Project Wawrzyniak

Project Mission Lens

Project Brignall N & L

BGC 360

International Discipleship Training

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