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2. Building Donations

par Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley

The first Objective of the PCSBV is to promote health by providing an accredited palliative care unit in the Bow Valley that will provide appropriate palliative care accommodation, therapy and support, at no cost, to residents of the region and beyond who are suffering from terminal, or life-threatening illness, and to support their families before, during and after the loss of their relatives.

After four years of extensive work, we have identified the need to construct a two-storey, 10,000 square foot hospice with 6 beds and capacity for multiple services on a maximum 1 acre footprint in Canmore. Total capital cost is estimated to be $6.3MM, of which $1.1MM is for land acquisition and $5.2MM is for building construction, fees and furniture.

Your donation towards our capital building campaign puts us that much closer to making the hospice a reality.

Please allow us to thank you by providing your name and email address under the optional “Comments for the charity” section.

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