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Jose Garcia Memorial Scholarship Fund - University Scholarships for Youth in El Salvador.


In El Salvador relatively few young people have the opportunity to continue their studies beyond secondary school. In spring 2016 Sombrilla started a new project in collaboration
with CEBES PERQUIN, a local NGO in El Salvador. The project provides scholarships for young adults from rural communities to complete their postsecondary education.
The partner organization in El Salvador currently supports 10 students obtaining
degrees ranging from Business Administration and Accounting to Registered
Nurse and Laboratory Technician. The scholarship allows students to fulfil their personal and professional goals.

In addition to receiving scholarships, students are requested to stay involved with their communities after the completion for their degrees. Students will share their time and skills with the community members of their hometowns.
The students are asked to give back with involvement in the local community, working with young people. Each student is asked to form a youth group, with 5or 6 members. The groups meet twice a month to reflect on the issues affecting
young people today.

$100 provides 1 month of a scholarship for one student.

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